III Международная научно-практическая конференция молодых ученых и студентов «Стратегия экономического развития стран в условиях глобализации» 17-18 февраля 2012г. Том 4

Zakharova K.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


Innovations can be described as the end result of human intellectual activity, his imagination, the creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization, which provides a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products demanded by the market.

International innovation and technology transfer is realized in practice in various forms and through multiple channels.

Here are several ways of transferring technology.

On a commercial basis:

· Specialist literature, computer databases, directories;

· Conferences, exhibitions, symposia, seminars, overseas training, training, practice;

· International migration of scientists and specialists, including the "brain drain".

Sharing technology on a non-commercial basis include: scientific and technical publications, computer databases, technical standards, directories, exhibitions, fairs, symposia, exchange of delegations and meetings between scientists, training of undergraduate and graduate students, the activities of international organizations for cooperation in the science and technology field, etc.

An innovative collaboration between countries is essential in today's economy, since it implies a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and technology. This article reveals the level of cooperation of Ukraine with other countries in the field of aviation.

Cooperation between Ukraine and Russia

Russian-Ukrainian cooperation is successfully developing in the industrial production of AN-140. According to draft, a new type of engine for the AN-140 is created by the cooperation of JSC "Motor Sich" and the Russian plant named after V.J. Klimov.

Zaporozhye engine manufacturers are also actively involved in Russian helicopter industry, providing a supply of the VK-2500 engines for a new combat helicopter Mi-28N "Night Hunter" on the enterprise "Rostvertol" in Rostov-on-Don.

"Motor Sich" is now working with more than 125 Russian enterprises, producing parts and components for engines, which are then installed on the Russian aircraft and helicopters.

 Moreover, Zaporozhye Holding expands its psence in Russia and is building a new plant, called "Dubna engines", near Moscow.

In addition, in 2010, "Motor Sich" signed a contract on improving Russian helicopters "Ansat" during the year. New engine is planned to be installed on four new helicopters.

prospects for the Russian-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of aeronautics are significant and very real. And most importantly – it is beneficial for both countries.

Cooperation between Ukraine and South Africa

Today, the two countries are negotiating on cooperation in space industry and aviation.

At the moment, a project of a center for maintenance and repair of aircrafts, as well as for the supply of Ukrainian airliners, in South Africa is being implemented by an aerospace enterprise "Antonov" jointly with pamodzi Ivestment and Denel Aviation. The Ukrainian company and the South African side are negotiating to build a training center, which is aimed to train South African experts.

Cooperation between Ukraine and China

China currently cooperates with "Antonov" enterprise, and is developming a number of joint programs: design of a regional jet ARJ 21, the modernization of the transport Y8. Beijing is showing interest in building an aircraft An-148 and AN-158, as well as mending already available in China. Two years ago enterprise “Antonov” and Chinese government signed a "Memorandum for assistance in the development of China's heavy military transport planes."

There was build a large wind tunnel to blow the heavy military transport planes with the help of Ukrainian professionals. This will be the biggest aerodynamic laboratory in China.

Ukraine has a program of cooperation with China in order to create a new Chinese combat aircraft L-15. Under the contract, in 2011-2012, Kiev will deliver the first batch of China's Ukrainian production of AI-222-25Ffor the combat aircraft L-15.

So, the points mentioned above show that Ukraine has a developed system of promising connections in aviation sphere.

The list of references:

1. Electronic resource. – Mode of access: http://dc-summit.info/temy/vneshnjaja-politika/1618-kiev-moskva-kosmicheskaja-kooperacija.html

2. Electronic resource. – Mode of access: http://www.wing.com.ua/content/blogcategory/ 24/38/20/420/

3. Electronic resource. – Mode of access: http://topwar.ru/5080-ukraina-i-kitay-osnovnye-napravleniya-voenno-tehnicheskogo-sotrudnichestva.html

4. popsuevich S. Addition to AN-148 Family // Russia’s National Aerospace Magazine “Take-off”. – 2010. – July 2010. – p. 46-48.