Международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция «Инновационное развитие государства: проблемы и перспективы глазам молодых ученых». Том 1

Danilov S.O., Zaharchuk J.V., Rieznik M.A.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


Transformation of all spheres of public life in Ukraine in today's conditions is accompanied by a large-scale reform of statistics, which should eventually become an important integral part of the development of our independent democratic and law-governed state.

In Soviet times, Ukraine had a system of statistics, which in the organizational and methodological terms was subordinated to the central, that formed the ideology of statistics, determined the order of data collecting and initial. This effected the structure and activity of bodies of statistics of our country. The main element of this system was and still is a system of state statistics, which in the early 90's was represented by the Central Statistical Office of the USSR (then USSR State Committee of Statistics, Ministry of Statistics of Ukraine, State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine), as well as by respective statistical services of various ministries and departments [1].

Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became an independent (non-affiliated) state, and there arose a task of developing and reforming information and management system, which included a statistical branch.

Nowadays special authorized central executive body in the field of statistics, which is directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine is the State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine.

State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine is a part of the system of executive bodies, it ensures the realization of the government policy in statistics.

The main objectives of Ukrainian State Committee of Statistics are statistics implementing government policy in the field of statistics and making propositions abous its formation.

The state statistical activities are carried out by the state statistics bodies in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On State Statistics" and according to the tasks assigned to their competence, based on their professional independence and autonomy [2].

Public bodies of statistics are the following:

• The special authorized central executive body in the field of statistics, which is formed in accordance with Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine (State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine).

• Territorial bodies of state statistics which are formed according the law by the special authorized central executive bodies in the field of statistics in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, districts and cities and subordinate to them. Local bodies of state statistics include the Central interregional Statistical Office in Kiev (HMUS), the Central Statistical Office in the Autonomous republic of Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol Departments of statistics (28 units all in all).

• Functional state statistical bodies – companies, institutions and organizations formed according to the laws by the special authorized central executive body in statistics and are under its control. The functional bodies of state statistics include Scientific and Technical Complex for Statistical Research, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, State Enterprise "Information and Analytical Agency" (Derzhanalitinform) [3].

These bodies constitute a single system of state statistics of Ukraine. Interference of any state and local bodies and other entities, public associations, officials and other people in state statistical activities, particularly on the content of statistical information, the choice of sources of its obtaining, statistical methodology, forms and terms of acquisition and dissemination of statistical data, etc., is prohibited.

The state policy in statistics is aimed at creating a unified system of accounting and statistics throughout Ukraine and its harmonization with international standards and methodology.

The legal basis for the state statistical activity is the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law "On State Statistics" and other laws of Ukraine and normative legal acts relations in the field of statistics, data, information, scientific and technical activities, standards and international treaties of Ukraine in the area of statistics, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada ofUkraine [2].

The main tasks of bodies of the state statistics are the following:

• participating in shaping public policy in statistics and its implementation;

• collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, storage, protection and use of statistical information on the mass of economic, social, demographic, environmental phenomena and processes taking place in Ukraine and its regions;

• ensuring the integrity and objectivity of statistical information;

• development, improvement and implementation of statistical methodology;

• ensuring the development, improvement and implementation of state classifiers of technical-economic and social information used for statistical surveys;

• creation and maintenance of the Unified State Register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine and registers of respondents of statistical surveys;

• introduction of new information technologies of statistical information handling;

• interaction of the information system of state statistics with information systems of state agencies, local bodies and other entities, international organizations and statistical agencies of other countries through the mutual exchange of information, conducting methodological, software and technology, and other works aimed at the effective use of information resources ;

• coordination of state authorities, local governments and other entities in the organization of activities related to the collection and use of administrative data;

• ensuring access, transparency and openness of statistical information, its sources and methods of issue;

• conservation and protection of statistical information [3].

The decision to select one or the other source of statistical information is made by public bodies of statistics alone, while considering the quality and timeliness of information, expenses and obligations respondents might have connection with it.

Statistical information received on the basic of public bodies of statistics is represented in the form of primary data about respondents, statistical data, which went through one or more stages of processing and are accumulated on paper, magnetic or other media or electronically, as well as analytical materials, prepared on the basis of these data [2].

For the purpose of compiling statistical data the state bodies of statistics can use the following data sources:

• primary and statistical data about respondents who are subject to statistical observation;

• administrative data of public authorities (except the bodies of state statistics), local bodies and other entities;

• data of banking, financial and customs statistics, balance of payment statistics, etc.;

• statistics of international organizations and statistical agencies of other countries, etc.;

• assessment and calculations that are based on the above data [3].

National statistics is focused on qualification principle according to which large and medium-sized enterprises of all forms of property are covered by a full accounting with the required number of factors and frequency of providing information, and small-scale businesses are a subject to selective accounting.

Now one could argue that the first stage of Ukrainian statistics reformation has been completed, and national peculiarities of the structure and organization of statistics have been preserved; a model that is based on extensive hierarchically structured system has been built; relationships established between territorial bodies and other agencies have been maintained.

Currently, a strategy for the quality improvement of the statistical agencies has been scheduled. In recent years, the integration function of State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine was intensified in the general process of information reflecting the socio-economic phenomena in the country.

However, the state statistics bodies face an urgent need to develop a fundamentally new mechanism for analysis and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena and the development of the state, which would be based on the overall performance system for all levels of management. This approach determines the formation of a new mechanism and a parameter shaper according to the needs and tasks of economic analysis of the present day.

These qualitatively new problems that the national statistical system is facing are been solved using the experience and assistance of the international community [1].


1. Нариси з Історії статистики України. / 2-ге вид., випр. та доп. – К.: Держкомстат України; НДІ статистики Держкомстату України, 1999. -187 с.

2. Статистика; підручник / А.В. Головач, А.М. Єріна, О.В. Козирєв та ін.; за ред. А.В. Головача, А.М. Єріної, О.В. Козирєва. – К.: Вища шк.., 1993. – 623 с.: іл.

3. Електронний ресурс. – Режим доступу: http://ukrstat.gov.ua