Международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция «Инновационное развитие государства: проблемы и перспективы глазам молодых ученых». Том 2

Radzivill A., Dmitriyeva V., Reutskova O.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


For power safety of Ukraine the reliable functioning of oil and gas complex plays an important role. It is predefined by dependence of economy on the import of hydrocarbons and government monopoly of an import, transporting and storage of gas; by a strategic significance of national production of hydrocarbons for the state, effective and stable gas providing, and also effective use of transit potential; by the size of profits that come into the state budget from transit of hydrocarbons; by the increased attention to the issue of supply and transit of hydrocarbons in the world.

Instability of international gas transport streams causes instability of gas business in the country. It is known that Ukrainian gas is transported in the general stream of imported and transit gas. Fall in volumes of delivery of transit gas automatically will cause the problems of internal gas transportation.

Power strategy of Ukraine for the period till 2030 [1] foresees providing the population with domestic production of gas. This task is assigned to national joint-stock company «Naftogaz of Ukraine». From structural subdivisions of this company gas is obtained by subsidiary company «Ukrgazvidobuvannya», open joint-stock company «Ukrnafta» and state joint-stock company «Chernomornaftogaz», which is about 90 % of total production of gas in a country. Authority of these structures considers that the set standard of prices for gas of domestic production does not allow to accumulate necessary financial resources for its substantial increase. The enterprises of «Naftogaz of Ukraine» exploit 233 gas, oil, gas condensate, oil and gas condensate deposits. Their considerable part is at the final stage of development and is characterized by difficult geological and technological conditions of exploitation. For example, about 70% of deposits, developed by subsidiary company «Ukrgazvidobuvannya», is exploited from 10 to 60 years and 80 % of it is used [5]. That’s why gas producers must search new ways of using both old and new deposits and this in its turn requires the use of modern search technologies, development of deposits and production of hydrocarbons, attraction considerable financial and material resources.

For the maintainance of the state power independence NJSC «Naftogaz of Ukraine» is going to increase gas production on land, develop oil and gas production enterprises and increase own supplies of hydrocarbons. Firstly, due to the increase of volumes, increase of efficiency of geophysical researches and exploration drilling in perspective areas and deposits. Secondly, due to the introduction of new powers and intensification of production out of existent deposits. Thirdly, due to updating and modernisation of park of drilling and oil and gas industrial equipment. Fourthly, by participating in mastering of oil and gas resources in other countries.

To improve power safety of the state substantially it’s necessary to increase domestic production of gas. According to this plan Black Sea shelf of Ukraine is considered to be perspective, the forecast resources of it make 1,5-2,3 billion tons of standard fuel. For today the degree of this mastering is about 3 %, and day's production does not exceed 2 million m3 [4]. However, the prospects of oil and gas production in this region are related to mastering of deposits on a depth of 2200 m, that predetermines considerable financial and economic risks. To increase gas production to 20 billion m3 in the nearest 10 years at least $25 billion are necessary. For the next years for maintenance of such level of exploitation annual charges will make over $2.5 billion, but cost of gas price there will be not fewer than $120 for a 1000 m3 [4].

Approval of the national project «New energy» at the state level and two key national projects — LNG-terminal, wind and solar stations must not only reduce the price but also diversify the market of power resourses. «Terminal, that was built on the Black Sea coast, is able to produce 10 billion m3 of gas. LNG-terminal can help Ukraine get rid of import gas monopoly», — considers the leader of the group on preparation of national projects, V. Kaskiv [2]. The general director of LTD «Naftogazstroy-informatika» L.Unigovskiy thinks that the supply of liquefied natural gas for the present time is the single optimum variant in terms of indexes among all theoretically possible projects of diversification of Ukrainian gas supply [3].

Thus, we can conclude that retention of high prices for gas will stimulate:

− energy-savings and search of alternative energy deposits;

− exploration of new gas supplies, increase of its production;

− landing long-term contracts on gas supply;

− decline of tax pressure on FEC’s industries.

To increase gas production considerably with the purpose of increase of Ukrainian power independence it is necessary in the nearest years to increase the volume of capital investments into exploration and development of oil and gas deposits, that will provide domestic production of hydrocarbons, will give an opportunity to renew and update park of drilling and oil and gas industrial equipment, to introduce new powers and intensify production out of existent deposits.


1. Енергетична стратегія України на період до 2030 р. (схвалена розпорядженням КМУ від 15.03.2006. № 145-р.). – К., 2006. – 129 с.

2. Кудря С. Національні проекти – крок до енергетичної незалежності України / С. Кудря, В. Рєзцов // Дзеркало тижня. — 2010. — 9 жовт. (№ 37).

3. Проблеми енергетичної безпеки // Безпека життєдіяльності. – 2010. – № 1. – С. 11–13.

4. Сайт Міністерства енергетики та вугільної промисловості України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: htttp://www.mpe.kmu.gov.ua/fuel/control/uk/index

5. Сайт Державної служби статистики України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: htttp://www.ukrstat.gov.ua