Международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция «Инновационное развитие государства: проблемы и перспективы глазам молодых ученых». Том 3

Chorniy V.V., Mihalchuk A.I., Kostiv V.K.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


Till our time an administration in Ukrainian schools does not have time to fulfil the plan, put by the Ministry of Education, for want of time and possibilities.

In our time in Ukraine there is a project which is used most school administrations. This project is bears an appellation "The Electronic class register". But in it there are also failings. One of them is that, it is uncomfortable for teachers to use this program because it takes away for them much time from their inexperience in this sphere.

For the decision of this problem a project which we would like to present you was created.

The main task of this project is development of the program which is instrumental in simplification of evaluation of pupils, and also contains their personal information. Besides it by this program it is possible to execute the row of other actions.

Now we would like to present a more detailed description of this program.

As it has already been talked about before, an idea which ones tried to attain realizations in project «The Electronic class register» at an attempt there is fixed in the basis of the program, that is to say the marking exposure of estimations, and also automated count of middle mark, sending of information about every pupil into a database Ministry of Education. The personal report of every school is also made in an electronic kind. On a concordance with the Ministry of Education, to include some competitions, which will promote an idea to aspire the pupil to receiving new knowledges and improving their results which will show up as an improvement of middle mark, is possible.

Next part of the program is the database of every pupil, which mainly consists of the personal information of pupil. This base allows to accelerate the process of finding the pupil residing in certain districts, and also accelerates the process of work of administrations the school.

The following, but no less important, part of this program is possibility to familiarize oneself with materials of disciplines, prepared in a form of:

1) text file;

2) audiofile;

3) videofiles (for practical classes on the following disciplines: mathematics (algebra, geometry, stereometry, trigonometry), physics, chemistry, physical education, programming, history) which will help the pupils in the detailed mastering of the program of education.

Also to all the compendia will be offered tests or practical tasks, and also verification of theory.

Besides everything, actuality of this program consists in that there is minimized time which is outlaid by the administrations of schools on drafting the reports. Also a process gets the better education, that will be the precursor of the development of level of the country, and also raising of it on a new level, opening new possibilities. And circumstance that the pupils of the schools will be "studies playing" allows to draw conclusion that the rising generations will better apply theoretical knowledges in practice and in life, that also will heave up the level of education.

Creation of a team of specialists which will watch at work of these programs in the school is also (on condition of support of Ministry) guaranteed (gymnasia, lyceums). In work of this team will enter duty to develop the project in an order to promote a program capacity and simplify it in the use.