Серебрянський Ю. Ю.

Дніпропетровський Національний Університет Імені О. Гончара, Україна


«Non-western» immigration is a term used by EU authorities to indicate immigrants from 3-rd world countries. First of all it’s middle eastern and african countries. Last years western european countries face large number of none-western immigration which brings mostly financial costs and other problems. It’s usually the burden on social welfare systems and public schools. Illegal immigrants are often poor and uneducated, and frequently work in jobs for which income is not reported, thereby returning little to the receiving nation's economy through taxes. Immigrant criminality points out that crime rate tends to be higher among immigrant populations, thus high immigration would lead to increased crime. The Handbook of Crime Correlates (2011), a review of studies of correlates with crime, states that most studies on immigrants have found higher rates of crime compared to domestic population.

Some reports and calculations were made in different western european countries to make this problem to be more actual and open. Immigration from non-western countries costs Dutch society between €6 billion and €10 billion a year, according to a preliminary report by private research institute Nyfer for the anti-Islam party PVV. The research is based on«conservative» estimates of the cost of 20,000 non-western migrants. That is the number of foreigners who come to Netherlands every year in order to reunite with their families. So the real cost is even much higher. The research shows non-western immigrants cost society more because they are more likely to claim welfare benefits and long-term nursing care, and are over-represented in the criminal justice system. The same problems are in Denmark. For example the Integration Ministry report initiated by Danish People's Party (DPP) came to the conclusion that by tightening immigration laws, Denmark has saved €6.7 billion over the last 10 years, money which otherwise would supposedly have been spent on social benefits or housing. According to the figures, migrants from non-western countries who did manage to come to Denmark have cost the state €2.3 billion, while those from the West have actually contributed €295 million to government coffers. In other word every single none-western immigrant costs 29598 kroner (about €4000) to Denmark, while every western immigrant contributes about 13522 kroner every year. The small Scandinavian country already has the strictest immigration and asylum laws in Europe. For example, foreign couples are only allowed to marry if both partners are at least 24 years old. The number of asylum seekers and relatives of immigrants seeking entry into Denmark dropped by more than two-thirds within nine years as a result of the tough laws. Another Scandinavian country that counted a cost of immigration is Sweden. According to authorities report for 2000–2009 period the economic cost of immigration was about 54.76 billion of swedish kroner (54.757.060.000 kr). And every single year the cost of immigration increases: 2005 – 4.9 billion, 2009 – 6.7 billion, 2011 – 13 billion. Recentrly swedish Finance minister Anders Borg reported that over 50% of immigrants are unemployed and burden social welfare system. If we look and compare suchlike reports from other developed countries it won’t be so different. Canadian Fraser institute report shows that Immigrants to Canada cost the federal government as much as $23 billion annually and impose a huge fiscal burden on Canadian taxpayers. Report says newcomers pay about half as much in income taxes as other Canadians but absorb nearly the same value of government services, costing taxpayers roughly $6,051 per immigrant and amounting to a total annual cost of somewhere between $16.3 billion and $23.6 billion. Annually about 250 000 of immigrants come to Canada but only about 60 000 of them are skilled or professional workers. Others are usually not skilled and can’t find a job. Most of them come from non-western 3‑rd world countries. Canada has a welfare state with single-payer health care, public housing, welfare payment and free public schools. So, such people who cannot pull their own weight can rely on all of these goodies provided by the working canadians. Because of these generous benefits, Canada has a lot of people who would like to move there from poor countries. Study also found that immigrants paid an average of $10,340 in income tax and other taxes, compared with the $16,501 paid by all Canadians. While newcomers each received $110 less than the rest of Canadians, the «net fiscal transfer per immigrant» still amounted to $6,051 annually. The study examined the incomes of adults exclusively, and assumed the average immigrant pays taxes and receives benefits for 45 years. Fraser Institute report says Canada should revamp its immigration selection process allowing only newcomers who have employment lined up, offering them citizenship only if they hang onto their job for a set number of years and deporting those who lose their jobs.

In conclusion we can say that all western countries have common economic problems that connect to issue of non-western immigration. Based on different researches and reports there are some recommendations that can be used by government to prevent spending a lot of money on people that burden economics and social welfare system. Here some of its statements:

1) Only those with a legitimate offer from an employer should be allowed to obtain a temporary work visa. All other grounds for granting immigrant visas should be discontinued, except those applicable to refugee claimants.

2) The government should exclude all applicants likely to become a burden on social welfare system or public health care system.

3) The government should set up and supervise a privately run system for the collection of information about the residence and work status of those holding temporary work visas.

4) Work-visa holders who lose their jobs must find new employment within certain time or leave country.

5) Immigrants may have their parents and grandparents join them as landed immigrants only after posting a bond to cover payments for health care and other social benefits.