Kapinus Y., Golodock L., Bondar O.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


Microflora of Urogenital (UGT) and gastrointestinal (GI) tract certainly plays a significant role in maintaining the health of a microorganism.

Both systems are open cavities, which are constantly in contact with the environment. Surroundings are mostly represented by microorganisms whose opportunistic and pathogenic share is relatively large. One of the important roles in protecting the mucosa from infection by pathogenic microorganisms plays a normal microflora that inhabits this body or cavity. During the evolution, the formation of «Macroorganism –microorganism» system took place that eventually led to the formation of modern normal flora.

Microbiocenosis of urogenital tract should be considered as one of the most important and integral components of maintaining a constant internal environment that is functionally related to the maintenance of immunological mechanisms. Disorder in the microbiota of UGT may be the factors of other types of diseases, which are not related to reproductive system. Regulatory role of microflora of UGT is beyond the reproductive system. Synthesis of biologically active compounds prevents colonization of a cavity by the oral opportunistic flora that prevents the occurrence and progression of dysbiotic phenomena.

Normally the vagina of a woman has a normal microflora. It consists of about 90% of lactobacilli (rods Dederlyayna), 9% – with bifidobacteria and less than 1% are other conditionally pathogenic microorganisms which normally do not cause a disease.

During the research, we have found that at dysbiotic disorder of urogenital tract of a woman the microorganisms found in the vagina are represented by transient species. Most often one can find coagulase negative staphylococci (especially Staphylococcus epidermidis), besides Corynebacterium sp., association Bacteroides sp. And Prevotella sp.,Mycoplasma hominis, present in moderate amounts (less than 4,00 lg CFU / ml).In a much lower concentrations one can meet the genera Micrococcus sp., Propionibacterium sp.,Eubacterium sp. Occasionally (less than 10% of cases) one can distinguish the genera Clostridium sp., Actinomyces sp., Fusobacterium sp., Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma fermentas, S. aureus, Neisseria sp., Escherichia coli, Candida sp.

 The problem of antibiotic resistance of microorganisms is recognized as a global problem. Now one of the strategic objectives around the world is to restrain the development and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. Therefore, laboratory studies to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms causing human diseases to antibiotics is becoming more important.

 During the studies, we have found that the resistance of staphylococci identified in patients is greater than 70%. Most strains of Staphylococcus aureus and some strains of other microorganisms produce penicillinase and cephalosporinases. Many staphylococci are resistant to other classes of antibacterial agents (macrophytes, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones).

It was found that for gram-positive cocci the highest degree of sensitivity was observed with regard to benzylpenicillin, amoskizyline / klavulon acid, cefotaxime, cefepime, cefoxitin, and some Enterobacteriaceae strains were characterized by sensitivity to amoskizyline / klavulon acid, cefotaxime, cefepime, gentamicin.

At present, the development of microorganisms resistance to antibiotics has reached such a large scale that it should cause attention to this problem. First of all this is due to the difficulties in selecting drugs for the treatment of infectious patients. The solution of issues of antibiotic resistance, the possible transmission of resistance genes, division of antibiotics types specific to a particular hospital is global and is impossible without constant monitoring of the range of pathogens and their sensitivity to antibiotics in all hospitals.