Lobastova A. A., Kozakova N. L., Kaliberda N. V.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


The unsatisfactory state of education led to the necessity of reformation. Objectives and tasks, which appeared before modern education in the informative society, are changing, gradually traditional education system is replaced by personality-oriented one, traditional methods are replaced by innovative, which foresee a displacement of emphasis in training activity, its focus on the intellectual development of students by diminishing the fate of reproductive activity , the use of tasks to test different types of students activity, increasing the number of tasks and so on.

The most important part of the learning process are not computers, but teachers, armed with techniques of computer technologies.

Computer technologies can be used in an educational process to improve its efficiency and development of students. Some software can help teachers to develop general-educational, and also special skills in students and thinking skills of high level faster and more efficiently than by using traditional means. For example, using in the educational process of multimedia presentations, publications and websites, created by students, it is possible to develop such educational skills in students:

- presentation: oral presentation before the audience, the ability to formulate succinctly their opinion, the use various multimedia facilities and possibilities;

- publication: use of complete sentences, designed for one person reading, combining of text and images, and periodic coverage of results of researches;

- web site: publication of current information or research results, communicating with a wide audience, gathering information from different regions.

To implement in practice the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process, it is actual their studying by future teachers in the universities. To this end, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics DNU has developed guidelines for studying the section "Linear operators".

The speciality "Applied Mathematics" has a well-balanced curriculum, in which what to teach is formed. One of the basic and important courses is a course "Algebra and Geometry". During the existence of the speciality it is very organically formed for teachers, unlike the differentiated teaching of two separate courses of algebra and analytic geometry.

In order that the course "Algebra and Geometry" takes place, the coherence in the work at reading lectures and conducting workshops is necessary. The limited number of lectures and a large volume of material makes the teachers, who prepare this course, allocate even theoretical material between lectures and workshops. It requires high qualification of teacher, who leads workshops, because some of the ideas, which were raised on lectures, must find a continuation on workshops.

Updating of methodical teaching within the framework of Bologna process should take place in direction of an individual approach to improve the quality of education and the development of creative capabilities of students majoring in "Applied mathematics". In this context, an integral look on the educational process as a system of interaction of contents, forms and methods of teaching is required.

I believe that studying of such a course provides an possibility in future to re-use own knowledge for development of intellectual and creative capabilities of students, which later will allow them to become apt at self-realization, to work on solving of important problems both independently and in a group. Due to it the role of the teacher in the educational process is very responsible and quite different from the one that is focused on traditional training.