Крутіна І. А., Панасюк І. М., Стасюк Ю. М.

Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара


Improving of the process of transmitting information influences directly the improvement of an enterprise management system as a whole, and can provide a better level of its development. The volume, complexity and intensity of information exchange increases every year, so much attention is paid to the issue of inventing methods of description, analysis and studying of the information flows.

The study of the information flows will help to form a general estimate of the effectiveness of a management system and to identify the elements of the infor­mation display of the object, the structure and dynamics of the information flows.

The concept of “the management system of the information flows” is inseparably linked with the term “management of the information system”. Considering the fact that an information flow in the management system plays a role of the link that connects all the elements together and with the environment, we can assume that these two concepts are synonymous with the only difference that the term “the information system management” usually presupposes the system of hardware and software techniques, telecommunications, databases and data banks, data processing techniques, personnel management, and the concept of “the management system of information flows” covers the process of disseminating information through the use of various tools and personnel.

The information flow is the flow of messages in oral, written or electronic form organized in a certain direction within the information system [1].

Information flow has the following characteristic features:

1) direction of the information flow;

2) amount of the information flow;

3) time of the information flow;

4) cost of the information flow;

5) intensity of the information flow;

6) adequacy of the information flow;

7) informativity of the information flow [2];

8) structure of information flow;

9) integration of information flows of different departments [3].

Thus, the information flows of enterprises have quantitative and qualitative characteristics that can make the classification mechanisms handle information management.

According to the information above it is clear that the information flows have both common characteristics that are inherent to other types of flows (material, financial, etc.), and the features that are inherent only to the information flows.

The analysis of the Ukrainian enterprises has revealed typical deficiencies of the information flows of a company: the lack of relevant information, distortion and duplication of information, the lack of an unambiguous division of responsibility for documents, providing information late or non-receipt at all.

Information accumulated in the management system for further analysis and processing, must meet the following criteria: timeliness, accuracy, relevance, usefulness, completeness, clarity, regularity of income.

The sector of the information flows management needs further development of both theoretical principles of the information flows management of an enterprise, and practical approaches to the use of modern information technologies with a view to improve the structure of the information flow in management system and to lower the cost of their service.

The list of references:

1. Мельник Л. Г. Экономика и информация: экономика и информация в экономике : энцикл. слов. / Л. Г. Мельник. – Сумы: Унив. книга, 2005. – 384 с.

2. Войтко С. В. Менеджмент у телекомунікаціях: навч. посіб./ С. В. Войтко, К. П. Ангелов; за наук. ред. В. Г. Герасимчука. – К.: Знання, 2007. – 295 с.

3. Румянцева З. П. Общее управление организацией. Теория и практика: учеб. / З. П. Румянцева. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2009. – 304 с.