Svyshch R. O., Shkil N. O., Popova A. Y.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


Our daуs of dizzying technological progress, we usually consider to be the most innovative in the history of mankind. We have smartphones and supercomputers, massive amounts of data and nanotechnology, gene therapy and stem cell transplantation. Governments, universities and companies together spend about $ 1.4 trillion a year on the scientific researches and development work, more than ever before.

But lately no one has been able to make an invention, which will produce clean energy for the entire production of such goods and technologies.

This work aims to emphasize that this hard work of making these sophisticated devices requires a lot of efforts and energy. Step by step we approached one of the most pressing, disturbing and urgent issues in the economic sphere for the last few years – energy issues.

Energy security of Ukraine largely depends on the effective management of fuel and energy complex. So that, one of the most important policy’s issues of our country today is the revival of the F&E complex of the country and take into account the general trends of developing energy systems in the countries of the world to minimize the use of non-renewable and environmentally damaging energy. Activation processes of providing own eco-energy not only promotes energy security and efficiency of the country, but also energy-saving and environmental harmonization of manufacture, which causes the urgency of studing these issues, problems and prospects of this industry.

Currently, the actual structure of total consumption of primary energy in Ukraine is the following: natural gas – 42%, oil – 18%, coal – 24% uranium – 12%, hydro and other renewable sources – 4%.

In EU countries, these figures are significantly different from our own and annualy change in favor of renewable energy sources.

Thus, in the near and the far future the main purpose for our state in the energy sector will continue to be the implementation of energy that is an alternative to fossil fuels. And the main sponsor and supporter of this is the EU.

The clearest example of this is a program called ’Promoting the use of renewable resources in the Ukraine and the Russian Federation with a focus on biomass for energy’.

The project started in 2009 and ends in December 2013.

The main goals of the project arе:

• Promote the use of biomass for energy and material production in Russia and Ukraine through information, consulting and networking services.

• Improve energy through the use of renewable raw materials and waste for energy purposes with a positive impact on rural areas, reducing the impact of agriculture and forestry on the environment in Ukraine.

• Identify specific projects in the bioenergy sector, which may be indicative and will make a strong effect on people’s consciousness. Cooperation with national and international projects and institutions for the development and realization of chosen projects.

The project is supported by the GFA and the BMELV (the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection).

In оrder to reach the targets of the German federal government and the EU in the field оf renewable energy by 2020, internatiоnal cоoperation and cooperation in sustainable production and use of biofuels need to be strengthened. Especially Eastern Eurоpe and Central Asia are marked by growing favоurable conditions and so far untapped bioenergy potentials. By implementing the cultivation and use of renewable resоurces for bоth materials and energy – e.g. in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and with the use of German know-hоw and a targeted technology transfer an important contribution can be made towards the mobilisation of these potentials and resulting pоsitive effects for the global envirоnment.

To sum up, we guess each of us should also make allowances the fact that the efficiency of such kind of programs not only depends on state regional policy or state support but on mentality of nation and their willingness to save and change the lifestyles in order to exist in a cleaner world, to breathe fresh air, to be sure that your child will be born healthy and grow up in a safe environment. At present we can claim definitely that the developments in the field of clean energy are rapidly growing in number but unfortunately, nobody knows how long it will take to force out usual thermal and nuclear power stations. Even in these times of economic difficulties if all of us join to solve this problems, the impact is going to be huge and as in most aspects of the fate of humanity, that is no doubt that the consequences depend mostly on ourselves. It mustn’t be forgotten.