Vasylchenko Y. O., Poturaeva L. V.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


Today, all economies are judged by the investment they make in education, science and technology, culture and innovation. Knowledge, particularly scientifically validated knowledge, is critical for turning the increasingly complex challenges society faces into opportunities for more sustainable development, achieving the Millennium Development Goals and implementing other joint commitments.

The absence of a consensus among the different characteristics of the science and technology relationships could lead us to despair. Perhaps their relationships are so complex that it is impossible to achieve consensus. But as you can see, some technological advances would not have been possible without some previous scientific discoveries. Thus, the technological infrastructure is a defining feature of modern science, so there is an interdependent relationship.

Scientific and technological exchange is becoming a more important and effective form of modern economic relations. Given the acceleration of scientific and technical progress (STP), no country, no matter how significant the potential in science and technology is, can fully meet its needs in advanced science and technology to produce the entire wide range of scientific production that is constantly being improved and expanded. It is the exchange of these products that is the most important sector of modern international economic relations, the fastest and the most intensively developing.

International scientific and technical cooperation is the form of international economic relations. The latter is a system of economic links in the intersection of science, technology, manufacturing, different activities and trade and is based on a common, pre-produced and agreed intentions which are enshrined in international economic agreements.

The main centers, where global technology resources are concentrated, are Western Europe (including the EU), the U.S. and Asia. Recently, however, the number of scientific and technical personnel is rapidly increasing and the position in the high-tech countries, previously considered "Third World", ones, are strengthened.

A scientific and technological gap between countries that are at different stages of economic development, defines minimum two-tier market structure of technologies: high technology, circulating mainly among industrialized countries; medium and low technologies, that are developing, may be new to the market and the countries which transform and are the subject to technological exchange between them. High concentration of technological resources are in a small number of states.

It is assumed that the development of science and technology will lead to social and economic change (or economic growth, allowing countries to become more competitive in the global economy, or direct impacts on poverty reduction) – yet there is а hotly contested question around who really benefits, when and where.

Thus, at the present stage, scientific and technical cooperation is high. In the future, it will grow even more, which will allow to better and more quickly develop the economy and welfare of people in the whole world. It is through STC that sustained economic growth and the level of economic development in all sectors of the economy are possible.

Priority areas in the future development of international scientific and technical ties will be the following: establishing cooperation and collaboration between universities, research institutes, small and medium-sized companies as well as large firms, increasing productivity and competitiveness of the economy, creating and maintaining conditions for effective international cooperation.

Obviously, only developed countries with a competitive economy can really benefit from globalization in these trends or, at least, countries with the economy that has steadily grown, and therefore is more attractive to investors. And conversely, chronically lagging countries will face with threat of "pushing" to "curb" of the global civilization and fixing after them an inferior position in the system of world economic relations.