Костюченко М. К., Панасюк І. М., Крупський О. П.

Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара


Ukraine’s innovation activity now faces a range of problems due to lack of financing and unstable political and business environment. Modern business world is developing at tremendous speed and in order to keep up with such progress Ukraine should improve the state innovative activity, all the developed countries have taken up the strategy of innovative development. So, the issue is now very important and relevant. Ukraine should use the experience of developed countries in the development of innovation activity.

Business school INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, a specialized agency of the United Nations) co-publish The Global Innovation Index (GII) since 2012. The GII recognizes the key role of innovation as a driver of economic growth and prosperity and acknowledges the need for a broad horizontal vision of innovation that is applicable to both developed and emerging economies, with the inclusion of indicators (84 indicators) that go beyond the traditional measures of innovation. According to the GII rankings The United Kingdom occupied the 5th rank in 2012.

The UK excels in research, development and innovation, and innovative companies are an important contributor to economic growth.

Actions of the UK government:

1) protecting the £4.6 billion per annum funding for science and research programmes in cash terms during the spending review period

2) trying to be smarter and more strategic in how we procure goods, works and services to encourage innovation

3) helping researchers, developers, innovators and businesses bring together specific knowledge, skills, technical resources and financial capital

4) getting business to work more closely with universities and research institutions to create more opportunities to commercialize their research

5) making taxpayer-funded research accessible and free of charge to use

6) helping England’s 26,000 most promising mid-sized businesses achieve growth – a 70% increase in turnover or employment, and funding business through the UK Innovation Fund

The actions of the UK government that can be applied for Ukraine.

1. Choosing the priority branches of industry that should be protected by the government. Thus prioritizing the investments into those emerging technologies which offer the greatest potential return. Key criteria of evaluating technologies:

• the potential size of the global market, and its rate of growth (greater than £10 billion per annum);

• the range of applications for the technology across a number of economic sectors (over four);

• the capability of the research base to develop these technologies (number of published papers, active research projects);

• number and strength of UK companies and their supply chains relative to international competitors, and their ability to adopt and exploit the technologies;

• ability to capture and protect the created value (patenting, embedding and exploiting intellectual property (IP)).

2. Improving the interface between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Business.

3. Delivering a better environment for commercializing research.

4. Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits

In conclusion we would like to say, that innovations are extremely important and therefore they should be supported by the government. Ukrainian government should try to encourage applying the results of R&D in the production of goods and services. There is a great potential for the development of Ukraine’s innovative activity. But the lack of financing, little foreign investment and uncertainty of business environment prevent Ukrainian innovation activity from developing and improving.