Конференция «Сучасні тенденції інноваційного розвитку держави в сфері соціально-економічних наук» (13-14 марта 2014г.). Поступившие работы

Karpova A. O., Don O. D., PhD Poturaeva L. V.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


Nowadays Ukraine is facing the task of ensuring the implementation of its national interests in a very dynamic world, the development of which is determined by entirely new processes, previously unknown in history. The level of interdependence of states is increasing. Even the biggest of them can no longer deal with a number of critical issues alone. The role of non-state actors is steadily enhanced, especially in the economy: multinational companies today produce about one-third of total world product. These changes demonstrate the power of globalization – a set of economic, political, demographic and social processes that shape a new level of interdependence of nations. The main content of these processes is the formation of global world markets, modernization based on technology that is growing fast and the creation of new centers of economic and political influence of gravity. A new level of competition between countries and regional groupings is becoming the result of globalization. Thus, the success of any nation in the twenty-first century depends on its ability to realize its national interests through participation in the processes of globalization, adaption of its public and social mechanisms to these processes.

As for Ukraine, its role in globalization conditions is determined by special contemporary relevance. Firstly, because at the current phase of globalization of the world civilization different countries, to some extent, are undergoing transformations in all spheres of human life. Secondly, at the beginning of the XXIth century, Ukraine was faced with a number of economic, political, social and cultural problems, including socio-anthropological, socio-economic and socio-cultural ones. Thirdly, comprehensive integration and information and communication revolution that create objective preconditions both for unification of humanity and for its separation are determining the direction of globalization shifts.   The importance of Ukraine in modern globalization processes lies also in the fact that it is necessary to analyze the phenomenon of a contemporary Ukrainian society in socio-anthropological, socio-economic and socio-cultural aspects that are still poorly studied. At the same time, globalization acts as a switch to a policy of supranational institutions (UN, NATO, the «Big Eight «), in the economy – transnational corporations and supranational agencies ( World Bank, WTO), the formation of global international economic and political structures, which opens great prospects to studying these processes.

Now it is important to forge closer economic relations between Ukraine and China that is a modern «engine» of the world economy and globalization processes. China is the world record holder in relation to real GDP growth. However, this aspect has been considered only by scientists so far, but authorities did not make any steps in this direction. In these conditions, China is seen as the only hope of stabilizing the economic situation in the world, and transformation is expected of this socialist state into the «engine» of economic growth and globalization development. It is considered that China will replace the U. S. and highly-developed European countries, which until recently have been the main forces of globalization. The main features of China’s economic and financial system are: quick mobilization of capital, orientation towards export, a large share of national savings. China is gradually being transformed into the world’s largest investor. Therefore, it is this state that may replace Europe and the U. S. as a market for goods and a source of loans and investments for the national economy.

The possibility of establishing economic relations with Japan is also important. In modern conditions, the government of this Asian state is helping countries buyers with interest-free loans to stimulate the export of its products. Therefore, there is the possibility of obtaining additional financial resources to stimulate the economy and trade. So, the following steps for the active participation of Ukraine in modern globalization processes should be taken: to strengthen economic relations with China – the «engine» of the world economy and globalization processes, to collaborate with Japan, to conduct structural policies, to implement innovations, to use the experience of countries with rapidly growing economies in order to develop Ukrainian companies that are able to compete in the world markets with foreign products. Anyway, relying on our own strength and experience, we need to realize our chance and become a competitive European country with a high level of economy and welfare of the nation.