Конференция «Сучасні тенденції інноваційного розвитку держави в сфері соціально-економічних наук» (13-14 марта 2014г.). Поступившие работы

Natha A. O., Panasyuk I. M.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


Innovation, novelty, innovative activity and innovative policy are the new categories which emerged in the economic development of our country at the stage of market relations formation.

In spite of the declared integration vector and attempts to head the respectable place in the community of highly developed world economy, Ukraine, unfortunately, cannot be proud of the technical, technological and structural levels of its national economy. Ukraine’s dependence on imports, the excessive scale of which causes outflow the enormous amount of money from the Ukrainian economy nowadays, prevent the creation of new working places, which are needed for ensuring with full employment of labor power and facilitating for innovative development of economic sectors of Ukraine.

The problems of innovative development of national economy on the whole attract the attention of many native and foreign researchers. Significant contribution to the study of these processes was made by our scientists: V. Heyets, V. A. Grosul, N. V. Danik, A. V. Kluchnik, H. I. Mernikov, L. I. Fedulova and others. Most of them believe that the activity of national policy depends on the innovative development of the economy. However, the elaboration of measures as for innovative development of economy and the formation of its strategic directions in the context of transformations of economy are still topical [3].

The aim of the research is to explane the necessity of formation of the strategic innovative development directions of economy and identify the problems that arise during the solving of the problem.

Innovative system of Ukraine has hard times of its formation and development due to political events and permanent processes of redistribution of governance at the level of Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine. Constant repartition of spheres of influence by ministries, institutions and their leaders cannot create the given system as a system of organizational, economic and informational ensuring of innovative processes at the state level and even provide an opportunity for this system to evolve, extend and work effectively in the Ukrainian market.

The implementation of model of innovative development in the Ukrainian economy is complicated by the existing structure of GDP because the principal source of foreign income to the state budget are mining and metallurgical complex (32 %), food and processing industries (25 %), mineral products (10 %) and chemicals (8 %). And not so long ago the owners of these plants did not make the technological modernization of industrial enterprises, because they had the competitive advantages in the world markets due to relativelycheap labor, raw materials and energy [2, p. 141].

In this way the rate of the Ukrainian break into modern path of innovative development depends on the conservation of potential of industrial scientific researchand, design agencies as they play a major role in the materialization of innovation. However, intelligence and knowledge is one of the main country reserves, and the only renewable resource. For its use in the country there is an important thing – educated staff and science, but unfortunately they are not used because there is no domestic demand for intelligence and new knowledge, there is no infrastructure that will provide this demand [6, p. 760].

The legal framework of regulating of innovation activity in Ukraine is fragmented, inconsistent and therefore imperfect. Execution of laws in the innovative areas is unsatisfactory. However, there will have been certain approaches and quantitative guidelines for the implementation of structural changes in the Development Strategy of Ukraine till2020, where the main purpose was to increase the impact of innovation on the economic growth in Ukraine [4].

There is still an unsolved problem of the innovation activity financing, as domestic investors have no sufficient amount of money, and foreign ones have no desire to invest in Ukraine [1, p. 160].

Budget funds are limited and are emitted in accordance with the aims and priorities of state innovative policy and used to finance state innovative funds; target innovative programs and highly effective innovative projects; the state support of innovative activity programs [5, p. 14].

Therefore, due to the lack of attention to the development of scientific and technical areas of structural deformation of the national economy, the dominance of low-techindustries we can see an insufficient level of use of the innovation potential of Ukraine. Solving current problems in planning, use and financing of innovative development will provide the competitiveness of the national economy.

The list of references:

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2. Мерніков Г. І. Модернізація України і досвід Китаю / Г. І. Мерніков // Стратегічні пріоритети. – 2011. – № 3 (20). – С. 137–145.

3. Наукова та інноваційна діяльність в Україні: статистичний збірник [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

4. Проект «Стратегії інноваційного розвитку України на 2010–2020 роки в умовах глобалізаційних викликів» [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://www.pir.dp.ua/uploads/ StrategizInnovRazvitiyaUkr.doc

5. Центр Разумкова. Аналітична доповідь. Ключові проблеми розвитку інноваційної діяльності в Україні. – 2004. – № 7. – С. 14.

6. Чухрай Н. І. Інноваційний розвиток України: основні бар’єри та напрями їх подолання / Н. І. Чухрай // НУ «Львівська політехніка». – 2008. – № 633. – С. 761–767.