Конференция «Сучасні тенденції інноваційного розвитку держави в сфері соціально-економічних наук» (13-14 марта 2014г.). Поступившие работы

Lykova V. O., PhD Poturaeva L. V.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


Globalization, which has become one of the defining characteristics of the global economy in the late XX – early XXI century, put the governments of many countries the challenge of finding new forms and methods of adapting national economic, political and legal environment to implement the requirements of modern international economic relations. Rapid changes in the factors that determine the competitiveness of firms in international markets, the dynamic development of the global environment are forcing governments in shaping the conditions for economic growth and prosperity of a nation more and more actively seek to problems of national competitiveness globally. The experience of recent decades makes it possible to draw some conclusions about the content of the main factors of competitiveness of the national economy. Among them:

– Effective coordination and cooperation between transnational corporations (TNCs) and the countries in which their activities are carried out. Due to a significant increase in price competition in today’s world super-power corporations have resorted to introducing new tactics expand markets, including active «game» at the state level. The purpose of this «game» – the maximum possible submission to the national resources of the country to the interests of the corporation.

– Orientation of public policy at the consolidation of the economic relations within the country and stimulate the release of corporations on the world stage. At the corporate level, maintaining competitiveness celebrated deeper union financial and industrial capital formation of supply, production and innovation networks.

– Monitoring and determination of the government critical point beyond which increasing the profitability of individual actors within the country begins to worsen the conditions of work of others, resulting in a threat of suppression of promising areas.

– Tracking by governments and anticipation of threats resulting from increased openness of economic and legal environment, introduction of instruments that allow reverse the negative consequences for the economy. This reinforces the need to improve the efficiency of monitoring the possible consequences of unification of the legislation or other mechanisms of integration and the creation of new competitive advantages for domestic producers.

– Increased attention to the mechanisms of innovation and industrial policy designed to ensure competitiveness in a strategic perspective. Increased specialization of countries in the international division of labor and their desire to place on-site benefits that will be decisive in the competition of the third millennium, the point allocation to these advantages prominence in state strategy.

– Distribution policy of promoting «human capital» Incomes policy, in particular, aimed at preventing and reducing quality of life. With «investment in people» government reduces costs of national companies for education and health care employees, and expands the capacity of the domestic market. As follows from the above, countries in the world today are forced to search for an acceptable model of economic development that would ensure national competitiveness and national economy oriented to long-term growth [1].

The concept of national competitiveness is based on the efficient use of the global division of labor comparative advantage of national economies for exports to countries where no such advantages, and imports from countries which have advantages over the national economy of the importing country. A significant breakthrough in technology and information sector encourages countries to focus on new sources of competitive advantage and create them. The current stage is associated with holding a prominent place among the components of the dynamic comparative advantage of scientific and technological achievements and innovations at all stages of the product life cycle, from creation of a product or service by promoting him from the producer to the consumer and ending the following disposal [3, c. 112].

Given that the market appears and competes is not a separate product, and a combined package of goods, services and information, product competitiveness depends not only on its specific products, but also on the capacity of national and global particular environment in general and its members to support and use of this product. Dramatically increases the requirement for the integrity of the environment, qualifications, discipline and solvency of its members. As will be shown below, this is the reason why the transition countries are not yet able to capture properly the principles of competitive activity in the global economy.

Integrating feature of the new economy is the development of decentralized relationships between entities, civil and market institutions at the national and supranational levels. This leads to increased restrictions permanent capacity of national governments and thus exacerbates the importance of skilled and effective management actions entities that have the ability to provide their own competitiveness in today’s globalized economy [2, с. 3].

Modernization of the Ukrainian economy on the basis Innovative Development has provided comprehensive use of all available instruments of economic policy and the prevention of conflict between their influences and between the strategic and ongoing tasks. Under these conditions the innovation strategy as being, by definition, leads to increased profitability of domestic enterprises can become a real field for multi-faceted cooperation between the state and business.

The list of references:

1. Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень [Electronic resource]. – Режим доступу: http://www.old.niss.gov.ua/

2. Перани Дж. Бенчмаркинг инновационной деятельности европейских стран / Дж. Перани // Форсайт. – 2008. – С. 4–15.

3. Анищик В. М. Инновационная деятельность и научно-технологическое развитие / В. М. Анищик, А. В. Русецкий, Н. К. Толочко. – Мн.: Изд. центр БГУ, 2009. – № 1(5). – 151 с.