Конференция «Сучасні тенденції інноваційного розвитку держави в сфері соціально-економічних наук» (13-14 марта 2014г.). Поступившие работы

Gaydash A. Zh., PhD Goncharova Y. S.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


Whatever the latest technologies and innovative ideas are, they will never be effective and bring the maximum benefit without high performance work, proper training and qualification of human resources. Human Resource Management is a complicated process because people are endowed with intelligence, ability to think. They constantly develop relationships with each other that often affect productivity, output, and internal environment of the company.

Personal management system in modern enterprises, regardless of ownership, is the most powerful tool for competitiveness and development. Therefore there is a need to improve the efficiency of HR to meet the requirements of a market economy.

To adapt to the market, it is necessary to make the transition from traditional personnel management to the modern concept of human resource management. Traditional management systems were a response to the standard technology and unchanging environment whereas a new personnel management system – a reply to rapid changes in the continuous improvement of production technologies and turbulence of the environment. The Table 1 describes the different aspects of HRM system that exist in the enterprises. A modern approach to human resource management is a balanced combination of human values, organizational change and constant adaptation to environmental changes. Organization of Personnel Management requires the purposeful adaptation to the modern market rules of the game, since the adaptation of the personnel management system will help the company to survive and grow in today’s market conditions.

Developing a management structure in Ukraine, it is necessary to apply correctly and usefully the accumulated experience of different countries, using these or other areas of management, depending on the particular company and the particular features of the country.

Table 1. Comparison of human resources management in enterprises

Traditional personnel management system

Modern personnel management system

1. Focus on operational issues

1. Focus on strategy

2. Focus on sustainability

2. Environment – oriented adaptation of HRM system

3. Organization imperative

3. The human factor

4. The most important resource is an organizational structure

4. The most important resource is employees

5. Maximum distribution of work, simple and narrow specialities

5. Optimal grouping of works, multifaceted specialties

6. External control (managers, staff supervisors, formal procedures)

6. Self-control and self-discipline

7. Pyramid and rigid organizational structure, development of vertical linkages

7. The flat and flexible organizational structure, development of horizontal linkages that ensure effective cooperation units and employees

8. Autocratic leadership style

8. Management style ready built on the interest of all employees in the joint success of the enterprise as a whole

9. Competition and «political game»

9. Cooperation

10. Low employee’s interest in success

10. The high interest of employees in the joint result

11. Activity only in the interests of the company and its divisions

11. Activity in the public interest

12. Low risk propensity

12. Focus on innovation and high risk propensity

The modern system of human resource management should be aimed at increasing competitiveness of the enterprise, its long-term development, and release to maximum profit.

The list of references:

1. Конова Л. А. Основні напрямки вдосконалення управління персоналом / Л. А. Конова // Актуальні проблеми економічного і соціального розвитку регіону. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 72–74.

2. Хьюзлид М. А. Оценка персонала. Как управлять человеческим капиталом, чтобы реализовать стратегию / М. А. Хьюзлид, У. Р. Битти; пер. с англ. О. Пелявский. – М.: Вильямс, 2007. – 432 с.