Spasova K. M., Rieznik M. A.,
PhD Fedotova T. A.
Dnipropetrovsk National University Named after Oles
Honchar, Ukraine
The modern concept of management of
economic systems at different levels (country – the region – the industry – the
company) – is a concept of strategic management. It originated as a response to
the challenges and threats of the environment, increasing its volatility,
increased globalization, deterioration and radical change of competition. In
the evolution of control that occurred under the influence of changes in
production 60-70 years of the 20th century and appeared strategic management.
The main concept of science is the
concept of strategic management strategy. Among the scientists, researching the
formation and implementation of business strategy there is no consensus about
the nature notion of "strategy".
The strategy can be understood as a
long-term direction of the observed quality of the company, which can refer
areas, means and forms of its activity, the system of internal relations and
the position of the company in the environment.
Otherwise, under the specific
strategies aware the long-term plan to achieve goals and develop a strategy – the
process of drawing up some goals and long-term plan.
In business life under the strategy
is understood the general concept of achieving organizational goals, solving
problems that may exist in it, and allocated the necessary resources are
Based on these definitions above, we
can summarize. The strategy of the company, as the model long-term development,
formed a company to adapt to environmental conditions through the
implementation of sustainable competitive advantage.
It is understood that the most
important factor that determines the effectiveness of the strategic management
of the economy is the subject of systematic planning approach, which consists
in the fact that strategic planning should be done at all hierarchical levels.
In modern terms rebuild systems planning is carried out by shifting the center
of gravity from micro to macro level, especially at identifying general trends
of economic development and the formation of the strategy of economic growth,
ensuring close coordination of national and regional strategies, long-term and
current macroeconomic policy. The following example will result establish the
relationship and interdependence of strategic planning at the enterprise meso and macro levels.
For the enterprise, the company will
be subject to planning as a whole, its functional areas and strategic business
field. For the industry it will be kind of economic activity (industry) and
region. For the national economy – the national economy as a whole and its
individual areas [2].
The subject of planning for the
company will be a higher level of public management. For an industry planning
will act as regional authorities, branch of government. For the national
economy – the federal executive authorities (Ministry of Economic Development
of Ukraine).
Refer to the function of enterprise
adaptation to the environment, coordination and management, allocation of
resources to best achieve the objectives, the organizational changes. In the
area there are several functions such as forming a single entity vector of
development of the economy, economic growth, security and support industry
competitiveness (region). The national economy should justify national economic
policies to ensure sustainable economic growth, maintaining balance cyclical
economy, provide support macroeconomic competitiveness [3].
The content of the company, the
industry and the national economy is different because it is the strategic
choice of the main directions of socio-economic development.
The methods of strategic analysis of
the company include STEP-analysis, management of research, SWOT-analysis,
portfolio analysis, product life cycle model of industry and technology. At the
sector level isolated analysis of trends and patterns of business economics,
assessment of environmental factors, SWOT-analysis, competitive advantages and
key success factors of the region (industry). At the level of the national
economy to the methods of strategic analysis include: analysis of the
competitiveness of the national economy, assessment of competitive advantages,
assessing the impact of organizational changes in the institutional parameters
of the economy, the identification of conditions and factors that limit the
development of the economy [1].
The study showed that the strategy of
development and competitiveness of any company will not be successful if they
are not worked out strategic priorities of the industry, the region and the
national economy as a whole. That is, the formation of strategic priorities of
industry and individual businesses is a complex, task management system that
provides output methods and motives industry adapt to constant changes both
inside and in the environment.
List of references:
1. Портер М. Конкурентная
стратегия / М. Портер ; пер.
с англ. – К. : Основы, 1997. – 390 с.
2. Томпсон А. А.
Стратегический менеджмент. Искусство
разработки и реализации
стратегии / А. А.
Томпсон, А. Дж. Стрикленд.
– М. : Банки и биржи. Юнити,
1998. – 576 с.
3. Фатхутдинов Р. А.
Конкурентоспособность: экономика,
стратегия, управление / Р. Фатхутдинов. – М. : ИНФРА-М, 2000. – 312 с.