Grynko T. V.

Full Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences

Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University (Dnipropetrovsk)



In modern terms, a success of any business depends on the image. Creation of image is one of the strategic objectives of management. This goal is as important as the implementation of new technologies, the stabilization of the financial field, staff development, expansion of markets, etc. In general comprehension, the company's image – is artificially created image formed in the public or individual consciousness. The image is an integral part of any business and a necessary condition for achieving sustainable success. At the present time, a lot of organizations realize that a positive image is an important factor in an effective management. The image of the company should be considered as a dualism of components such as the active management actions of the enterprise by formation and management, and consumer perception of the enterprise. In this case, a consumer perception and the perception of the company by itself can not be the same, the aim of image management of the enterprise is to find a balance between these elements. The Image of an organization is a management tool which have an influence on the social behavior of a company staff.

Implementation of new technologies, the stabilization of the financial field, staff development, expansion of markets, etc. In general comprehension, the company's image – is artificially created image formed in the public or individual consciousness. The image is an integral part of any business and a necessary condition for achieving sustainable success. At the present time, a lot of organizations realize that a positive image is an important factor in an effective management. The image of the company should be considered as a dualism of components such as the active management actions of the enterprise by formation and management, and consumer perception of the enterprise. In this case, a consumer perception and the perception of the company by itself can not be the same, the aim of image management of the enterprise is to find a balance between these elements. The image of an organization is a management tool which have an influence on the social behavior of a company staff.

The Image of the company is constantly changing category, which is developed by many factors. Factors which form the external image of the company in the social sphere are: holding company social events; participate in the sponsorship and support of social movements, participate in solving problems of ecology; health; information openness of the enterprise; compliance with environmental standards.

Factors which form the internal image among the staff, they are: loyalty level of management to personnel; level of informational transparency of leadership; accordance with social guarantees; career opportunities; wage system of moral incentives; the level of prestige of the enterprise; the moral atmosphere of the enterprise [1].

A positive image is the main success of the enterprise. Creating a positive image of the enterprise is a complex, systemic and long-term process. Favorable image must possess such characteristics as:

- adequacy;

- originality;

- plasticity;

- addresses;

- complexity;

- incomplete.

In modern economic literature identified a number of structural models of the company's image.

The first model includes seven structural elements: the external attributes; financial well-being; image of the head and his team; the image of the staff; quality activities, the image of a product or service; design of the office space; business communications of company and staff.

The second model – two-component – includes external attributes; the organization's history and traditions; financial situation; image production, the quality of activities; image of the head and his team; image personnel, corporate culture; business communications, especially management of the organization; value of the goods or services; publicity, advertising fame; design offices, production.

The third model is based on the ideas of people on the design, which can be divided into eight groups (components): the image of the goods (services); image of consumer goods; internal image of the organization; the image of the founder and/or the principal leaders of the organization; the image of the staff; visual image of the organization; the social image of the organization; business image of the organization [2].

Evidently, these models are not fundamentally differ from each other. Orientation to them in forming the image of the organization is to bring success. It is very important that each element of the structure of the image information has been filled by the organization itself. Note that the choice of a particular model image should be implemented, taking into account the profile of the organization, established relationship, establishing corporate communications and more.

Creating an image of a business organization in the market environment is based on a strategic approach, with the help of integrated marketing communications.

Thus, the image of the company is an asset, which is based on the unique features of the company, and in need of development and management.

For the successful business, you must have a strategy of shaping and promoting a positive image. The problem of image formation to be studied systematically and comprehensively at the senior management level and to develop effective mechanisms for managing them.


The list of references:

1.  Veretennikova I. V. Influence on the image of the person in the organization of business relationships : dis. ... cand. psychol. science / I. V. Veretennikova. – M., 2001. – 404 p.

2.  Anisimov A. O. Struktura image of the organization / A. O. Anisimov [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :

2.  Ji B. image of the company. Planning, formation, promotion / B. Dzhi. – SPb. : Peter, 2000. – 214 p.