Bushtakov S. V., РhD in Engineering science Dzhur O. Y.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University (Ukrainian)

MANAGEMENT Innovation Aspects of electronic processing system in government agencies


The last decades are characterized by continuous development of IT industry in relation to the everyday lives of people, economic and entrepreneurial business of economically active population and to the functioning of a state. The modernization of society and the introduction of new technologies is an integral part of the IT sector.

Today, information technology is used both as a handheld, electronic resources, which can accept, treat, store and transmit information in their own needs for improvement or acceleration of the working hours and used for the benefit of the country and its citizens. So important is the question of increasing the efficiency of IT technologies for both the public sector and for the entrepreneurial sector.

The data presented in table. 1 indicate a lack of activity in the business sector, a significant burden in tax and fiscal legislation of Ukraine, but show the actual readiness of the population to the use of electronic equipment at home and at work.


Table 1 - Global indicators of countries and markets [1]






Name of country / group of countries




per 1000






required to start a business



June 2014



provided by



% of GDP


Tax revenue


by central



% of GDP


Mobile cellular subscriptions




100 people


Individuals using the Internet



% of population 2013








Middle income







Low & middle income







High income







Euro area








State Agency for Electronic Governance Ukraine is responsible for realization of state policy in record-keeping electronic system of public agencies. The effectiveness of state management in modern conditions largely depends on solving problems of rapid development of electronic documents, monitor their implementation, from conservation organizations as well as search and use. Electronic Document Management System (EDS) - is the organizational and technical system for the process of creating, managing access and distribution of electronic documents in computer networks and controls the flow of documents into organization. The main purpose of the EDS - automate the whole work with electronic documents: the introduction of a system of registration, allocation and distribution, editing, saving operative, searching and viewing, playback, control of, access to them and so on [2].

Today in government offices implemented automation system (SAD) and electronic document management system (EDS). SAD focused on automating documentation processes regarding the paper documents. The main functions of SAD include: registration incoming, outgoing and internal documents, monitoring their implementation. EDS combine the functions of office automation and electronic document management, ensure reception, registration, processing, transmission, electronic document certification and storage of electronic documents. That EDS covers all processes of record keeping in government and has its own means of recording and storing documents, and automate their movement mechanism - a router that called docflow.

According to official survey, 19% of the public offices are already introduced EDS. At the stage of implementation or experimental operation EDS was 21% of public bodies. However, if we analyze the basic functionality introduced in government EDS, it is obvious that these systems are used by users only 20-25% of their capacity.

It was found that most agencies that have introduced or implemented EDS, do not use the electronic signature. In the absence of electronic documents in electronic form is void electronic document because it does not comply with the legislation on electronic documents, in particular to the Law of Ukraine «On electronic documents and electronic record-keeping» and therefore can not be transferred to permanent storage at public records. Thus, although the majority of documents in state bodies made in the traditional paper form, the current status of implementation EDS in government bodies creates technology preconditions for further spread of electronic document circulation in Ukraine.

Questions about the use of new technologies disturb most of the developed world, as is characteristic of democratic institutions of society and provides significant economy of public funds. The closest to this issue and further use of the electronic system reached countries such as Estonia, Poland and Hungary, introducing electronic civil passport. Otherwise, they are called «ID-Cards». Such cards allow to participate in the elections anywhere in the globe, create own company in less than an hour and many other features that significantly reduce the bureaucratic work and corruption component. Stage to create an ideal model use of electronic passports was as follows: 1) create a new reform and adoption block of laws for implementation of a new storage system; 2) creating the only electronic system for processing data for all ministries and relevant protection system; 3) financial support from the state (creation of a permanent electronic communication of administrative agencies, retraining and adopting new personnel); 4) information support that has enriched the interest in changing the old paper passport to a new ID card; 5) social support for needy layers of the population; 6) the gradual standing back of the old system [3].

Today, a similar system for creating and using ID cards exist in Ukraine. Migration Service stated that ID cards allow free crossing European borders, store personal data about the location and the opportunity to make full use of the opportunities provided paper passport. In practice, leadership and citizens are facing a number of problems concerning registration and the using space of electronic passports.

For decision of these issues it is need to: 1) increase the number of reception facilities (which will significantly reduce waiting time); 2) circulate and make more accessible the information concerning  the number of required documents and their places of acceptance; 3) to provide costs for institution equipment by facilities of information read-out, engage the support of foreign investors and introduce conversion initiative among commercial enterprises; 4) reduce the price for such cards equating them to European  prices.

If a database is secure and operates in many countries, then if there is appropriate document that can be used for own needs and which is directly related to the general public informative base, will enable the reduction of staff in public institutions by at least 24 % and simplify the management, monitoring and prediction of possible threats to the economy in real time, and most importantly improve the living standards of citizens by saving time and nerves.

These measures need new trained staff that prepare and will maintain the equipment in good condition, it is also necessary to make effective means of communication for continuous operation and create a system of distribution of information if necessary to provide their data to public or state institutions. The process and time creation of a new system entirely depends only on the state.

Necessity of management innovation electronic processing systems in public institutions Ukraine stipulated by changes in the business environment, including globalization environment business, dynamics and variability of the market, the highest quality requirements, the benefits of Hi-Fi products (services), which ultimately affect the competitiveness of Ukraine's economy as a whole and quality of life of its citizens.


List of references:

1.      World development іndicators 2015. States and Markets [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://www.worldbank.org

2.      Офіційний сайт  Державного агентства з питань електронного урядування України [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://dknii.gov.ua/content/postanovy-ta-rozporyadzhennya-uryadu

3.      Виртуальное гражданство и электронные паспорта: Эстония, далее везде [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://itc.ua/articles/virtualnoe-grazhdanstvo-i-elektronnyie-pasporta-estoniya-dalee-vezde