Ivanchik R. O.

Dnipropetrovsk State University of Agriculture and Economics (Ukraine)



The modern stage of logistics development in Ukraine, which belongs to large industrial and agrarian countries of the world, is characterized by complex social and economic processes of creating an efficient market economy and logically needs radical changes in economic policy. First of all, it concerns the agricultural sector, since this sector is the base for the implementation of market reforms in all sectors of the economy. Agrarian reform is a set of priority measures aimed at creating a favorable economic environment for agriculture development and an early exit from its crisis. One of the tools of developed market economy should be agricultural logistics.

The use of logistic approaches in Ukrainian enterprises management in general and logistic approaches in inventory management is a relatively new direction in agriculture, these approaches are only emerging. However, the majority of agricultural enterprises have fully appreciated the role and high efficiency of logistics, so it is time for the development of scientific methods, models of planning, control and management processes that arise in the process of providing agricultural enterprises with raw materials and materials, to bring agricultural products to the consumer, etc.

Logistics management is extremely important for agricultural enterprises, because logistics management is addressing production challenges by planning and coordination of material and the related financial and information flows in the whole logistic chain. The specificity of agricultural production causes certain features of application of logistic management methods in general and stocks in particular.

At present, in the opinion of Ukrainian scientists in the field of logistics, there are several factors constraining the development of modern agricultural logistics in Ukraine, in particular, it is the economic crisis, which has not finished yet, the incomplete solution of the question of ownership; decline in production; imperfect accounting system; there are deficiencies in professional training, etc. In addition, fundamental changes in the structure of enterprises and the creation of more flexible organizational structures are necessary [1, p. 26]. The researchers still put the lack of proper state approach to the problems of logistics on the first place, which is manifested in the absence of appropriate facilities and investment in the development of the industry, the lack of the state program of logistics development.

Today, finding ways to reduce costs takes place in the direction of improving the management of supply, sales and storage of goods, improving marketing activities, deepening cooperation between suppliers and etc. The concept of integration of all these processes is called logistics. Attempts to minimize the total costs and to improve quality are not accidental. In countries with developed market economies, the distribution sector typically accounts for about one third of the gross national product. Moreover, almost half of this figure accounts for storage of material resources stocks [2, p. 28].

Agricultural logistics can improve the efficiency of transportation and storage of agricultural products in Ukraine. So that the final product was competitive, it is essential that all participants in the logistics chain considered logistics not as a series of separate activities but as a single integrated system that allows to work together and to achieve the minimization of total costs [3, p. 448]. In this case, it is possible to ensure the supply of goods at low prices not at the expense of quality, but through the concerted actions of all its members.

Today, the main directions of improving the system of agricultural logistics in the enterprises of Ukraine, in our opinion, are:

1) adoption of the national programme of agricultural logistics development on the example of the leading countries of the world;

2) agrarian sector reforming and the development of an appropriate regulatory framework that would regulate work of agricultural enterprises;

3) development and implementation of an appropriate system of financing agricultural logistics;

4) improvement of investment attractiveness of the logistics sector through the introduction of special tax regimes and preferential customs tariffs for the enterprises in a certain period of time (one-three years), etc.

Thus, agricultural logistics offers relatively new and extremely effective mechanism that can bring a new level of agriculture in Ukraine. Today, agricultural logistics is at the stage of its development in the country, provided overcoming the main obstacles to the development of this trend and create conditions for improving agricultural logistics for enterprises in agribusiness it is possible to expect high performance of this industry.


The list of references:

1.    Larson, P.D., Halldorsson, A. (2004). Logistics Versus Supply Chain Management: An International Survey [Åëåêòðîííèé ðåñóðñ] // International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications. Vol.7, No.1, pp. 17–31. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïó : http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13675560310001619240

2.    Smyrnov Y.H. (2012). Ahrolohistika v Ukraine: sovremennoe sostoyanie, problemy i perspektivy razvitiya [Agrarian logiistics in Ukraine: current state, problems and development prospects]. Lohistika: problemy i resheniya [Logistics: problems and solutions]. Vol.4, No.1, pp. 26-37. - http://aapu.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/journal2013.pdf

3.    Velychko O.P. (2013) Logistical grounding for solutions in agribusiness by the method of integral estimation of criteria of selection // Journal of Economy and Enterpreneurship. Vol.7, No.2, pp. 446451.