Shevchenko O. V.
Dnipropetrovsk State University of Agriculture and Economics (Ukraine)
Strengthening of environmental,
social and moral problems and the growth of the living standard of population
increase people worries on the results of the economic
activity in the agricultural sector.
The modern stage of entrepreneurship development
considers logistics as one of the factors of environmental preservation, since
logistics performs functions of supply, moving, storage and delivery of
finished products to customers.
The modern system agrologistics
in Ukraine has the following features [1]:
– insufficient level of provision of agricultural
producers with storage facilities for the storage of grain, fruits and
– the poor
state of roads, access roads and the deterioration of their transport and
operational performance because of excessive vehicle loading, which leads to
deterioration in the quality of goods and increases the delivery time, increasing
its cost;
– imperfection of the system of wholesale distribution
of agricultural products;
– slow consolidation of small producers to create or
join existing agricultural service cooperatives, which would allow the
formation of a consignment of products for distribution and reduce logistics
As a result, the modern state of
agricultural logistics does not meet requirements and cause economic losses to
the agricultural producers and other financial institutions that participate in
the promotion of agricultural products on the markets.
As above factors have an unfavourable
impact on the environment, so in terms of the environment, the concept of
agricultural logistics must consider not only resource-saving logistics
processes, but also the reduction of harmful emissions and the disposal or
recycling of residues. "Green" (environmental) logistics combines the
given guidelines [3].
The main purpose of "green"
logistics management is to obtain integral ecology and economy result as the
effect of process optimization in the flows of the production logistics system,
which will ensure: reduction of rejects and loss of resources during storage
and transportation; reduction of waste and improving the overall environmental
quality of products (services).
To achieve its goal "green"
logistics provides the following measures to reduce harmful effects on the
environment and improve the economic result of the business activities:
– selection of raw
materials suppliers according to the criterion of maximum reduction of
production waste (what materials it uses, how recycles waste, how reduces fuel consumption, etc);
– adherence to the
policy of "zero defects";
– reduction of
inventory through planning system improvement and costs regulation as a
consequence of reducing the amount of waste produced over the same period of
– transportation by
optimal routes, which implies the reduction of empty vehicles mileage;
– use of reverse
containers to facilitate reuse packaging materials and reduce waste;
– improvement of the
packaging in which products are stored.
Realizing significant losses due to agrologistics suboptimal structure, Ukrainian agrarians
initiate self-improve of their own logistics system, but it's not enough: all
the events have unitary and chaotic character. Effective
formation of a "green" logistics must become a mandatory element of
improving the infrastructure of the national economy as it will increase the
farms profitability by reducing overhead costs, reduce the length of goods
turnover and to create a continuous chain of material management, that in
general will help to reduce losses of crops grown, improving the population supply
with food products at more affordable prices, promotion of products of domestic
agricultural producers on international markets, increasing environmental
conservation and energy independence.
However, despite the prospects and
the performance of "green" logistics introduction, this area remains
very expensive and has advantages only in the long term perspective [4].
Therefore, the government needs to encourage farmers to reform by implementing
a system of credits, harmonized tax laws and other levers of influence. After
all, "green logistics" is an example of socially useful and business
and income symbiosis of ecology and economy, which satisfies conditions such as
environmental preservation and profitability growth of agricultural activities
The list of references:
1. Zhurakovs'ka L. A. Pershocherhovi zakhody shchodo rozvytku ahrarnoyi lohistyky v Ukrayini [Åëåêòðîííèé ðåñóðñ] / L. A. Zhurakovs'ka. – Ðåæèì
äîñòóïó :
2. Mashchak N. M. Stratehichna uzhodzhenist' lohistychnoyi diyal'nosti pidpryyemstva na ekolohichnykh zasadakh / N. M. Mashchak // Marketynh i menedzhment
innovatsiy. – 2011. – ¹4. – S. 282.
3. Rodrigue J.-P. Green logistics (the paradoxes of) / J.-P. Rodrigue, B. Slack, C. Comtois. –
London : Pergamon – 2001. – P. 339–350.
4. Rogers Ds. An
examination of reverse logistics practices / Ds. Rogers. R. Tibben-Lembke
// Jounal of Business Logistics. – 2001. – # 22 (2) –
P. 129–145.