Gaydka Ezhi, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Economics and Capital Market

University of Lodz (Poland)



Use of logistic methods (methods of rational housekeeping) at the enterprise helps to optimize expenses at implementation of its financial and economic activity. In spite of the fact that the logistics exists rather not so long period of time as a science, its importance does not raise doubts and the accumulated knowledge and experience in this sphere are widely used at the enterprises.

Nowadays a considerable part of the enterprises, including food store chains, create departments of logistics for the purpose of optimization of maintaining transport and warehouse economy. Creation of any logistic system is the newest method of improvement of trade processes at the enterprises.

For effective functioning of logistic system it is necessary to have the maximum quantity of information on suppliers of products, amounts, time and other parameters which allow to construct a logistic chain at the enterprise. Existence of full information on an object of logistic system gives the chance of complete control, irrespective of an arrangement links of a logistic chain [2]. As some objects can be at considerable distance, the information system allows to carry out the analysis of economic activity even at the remote enterprises, to make rational logistic decisions on warehousing and transportation of production. It allows to plan commodity-transport streams and demand for separate types of production.

The logistic chain is a set of consecutive, logical organizational and economic operations with the purpose of bringing a material stream to the necessary logistic system or to an ultimate consumer [1].

Feature of logistic process is an integrated approach to all organizational and economic components which characterize a logistic chain. Such approach will allow to construct an optimum logistic chain which will provide the shortest and the least expensive way in which the movement of goods is carried out to the consumer . The logistic system which functions have to cover all flow of goods from suppliers to distribution center of production at any enterprise and then in chain stores.

In logistic management of expenses of the enterprises it is expedient to apply matrix methods. Minti's method and a method of an extremum of expenses belong to such methods. Such methods are widely applied at the enterprises of various branches of the national economy to rational management transport – warehouse expenses.

The logistic system has the following features:

1.                Integrity. All components of logistic system have to work as a unit for obtaining the maximum result.

2.                Interrelation of components. Between elements of such system there are organizational, technological and production communications.

3.                Organization of its elements. Ability of elements of logistic system to be organized, unite in a whole.

4.                Hierarchy. Elements of logistic system of the lowest level submit to elements of the highest level respectively. It concerns linear or functional logistic management.

5.                Structure. The logistic system has a certain organizational structure where there is an interrelation of objects and subjects of management.

Logistic systems are capable to react quickly to various changes of the market and the external environment (change of demand, the offer on goods, services and other). Take into consideration these features, components of logistic system are capable to function as a unit and to react quickly to any changes of the external environment [3].

So, effective functioning of logistic system allows to optimize costs of warehousing, transportation and sales of products that positively influences financial results of activity of the enterprise.


The list of references:

1. Bade D. Technology in the Next generation of Supply Chain ÎutsourcingLeveraging Capabilities of Fouth Party Logistics / D. Bade, J. Mueller, Br. Youd. – Ascet Volume 1 (April, 2009).

2. Bernard J. La Londe. Partnerships in Providing Customer Service: A Third-Party Respective / Bernard J. La Londe, Marta C. Cooper. – Oak Brook, IL : Council of Logistics Management, 2008. – Ð. 6

3. Velychko O. (2015) Logistical system Fortschrittzahlen in the management of the supply chain of a multi-functional grain cooperative, Economics and Sociology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 127-146.