PhD Samoilenko
A. O., Rumiantseva H. Î.
Recently, there was a dynamic development of the
business sector of the economy in a volatile market situation, which leads to
increased competition and over saturation of the market with almost identical
goods. Therefore, innovative technologies are now widely used in marketing.
This allows companies to significantly increase profits and expand the market
sector occupied by their products.
Marketing innovation is a concept that has emerged
relatively recently. It arose in connection with the rapid development of high
technology. Improved products must be introduced to the market without hindrances.
In order for the mechanisms to be as efficiently as possible, the specialists
have done work on convergence and integration of two objects: marketing and
To date, innovation marketing is defined as a type of
economic and production activity of the company aimed at controlling
innovation, optimizing production, marketing based ongoing research and, most
importantly, actively influencing the market through the introduction of new
Features of marketing innovations today have a rather
weak specificity. Nevertheless, it is already possible to identify some methods
of regulation in this area. Specificity of innovation marketing is determined
by the features of the site and the products presented there. In accordance
with these parameters, methods and marketing tools are defined.
The public institution, which exchanges between
sellers and buyers of innovative products, has the following features:
– This market is characterized by the fact that the
demand for innovation significantly prevails. In fact, this is the seller's
market, which should convince the buyer of the appropriateness of acquiring his
– This market has high psychological barriers to
perception of innovative products.
– The capacity of this public institution depends on
the state of the economy on the "macro" and "micro" levels
and its activity regarding innovation.
– The market of innovations is global naturally.
– Unlike conventional markets, innovation does not
have a specific place and sales channels.
– Innovative products are purchased exclusively by
professionals (excluding consumer goods) and in the dialogue with them
competence and common terminology are important.
– This market is characterized by a variety of goods,
the purchase / sale of which is specific. For example, the use of the results both
by the buyer and the seller.
– The functioning of this market is carried out by
financial, information and organizational infrastructure.
– Subjects of the given market (technoparks,
research institutes, enterprises and others) are forced to perform functions
that are not casual for them, due to the underdevelopment of the innovation
market and the complexity of communications.
Innovative products are exchangeable and specific
subjects on this market. Along with the novelty, they have other properties:
Efficiency and attractiveness, as well as the degree
of risks of innovative products, are difficult to establish, because they are
poorly tangible until the moment they are put into operation. The same reason
is reinforced by the uniqueness of the product.
The authorship of innovative products (industrial
property or intellectual property) determines their highly personalized
character, which depends on the subjects of innovation activity (their talent,
knowledge and experience).
In some cases, these objects can multiply. That lead
to unlimited exchange. For example, licenses.
New types of products form new needs for consumers,
which can not immediately be realized. At first, innovative products could be
rejected. Novelties can lead to a situation of the emergence of new markets,
which can not be formed single-handedly by one company. Thus, alliances,
corporations and other forms of business partnership arise.
Innovative activity in the sphere of marketing is
impossible without the presence at the enterprise of the relevant personnel and
organizational and managerial support. Skilled, creative and ambitious
employees. Their knowledge and experience will become the decisive source of
innovation and an advantage in the field of competition in the future.
The introduction of marketing tools to manage
innovation is becoming one of the main reasons for the success of modern
innovations. Marketing innovations can act like a separate product, be a
technology of innovative marketing, and be a consequence of other types of
innovation (technology, process, organization, food).
The list of references:
Illiashenko N. S. Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichni zasadyin novatsiinoho marketynhu promyslovykh pidpryiemstv [Organizational and economic bases of innovative marketing industry] : monograph, Vyd-voSumDU,
Matviiv M. Ya., Biletska,
Matkovskaya Ja. Commercialization of market innovation – innovation
marketing paradigm, Marketing. – no. 4 (113). –
pp. 39–46.
Belocerkovskaja, N. V., Ivanchenko,
O. P. Marketing Innovation:
approaches, types, content and implementation, Vestnik
OGU. – no. 4 (165). – pp. 207-214.
Yereshko Y. O. Innovation policy - part of the mechanism for sustainable development,
Visnyk DNU. –
no. 8/3. – pp. 10-17.