Grigorenko A. S., Ph D Izyumska V. À.
Oles Honchar
Dnipropetrovsk National University (Ukraine)
Business activity acts as the most
important factor that determines financial stability of an enterprise. At present,
the factor is affected by stability of economic growth, adherence to the determined
pace of development of an enterprise, a degree of fulfillment of plans of production,
a level of effectiveness of the use of available production resources, width of
the market outlet, including the availability of supplies of products for the
export, presence of specific prospects of development of an enterprise.
Coefficients of the business activity are as following:
Assets turnover ratio
characterizes the amount of assets turnover in a definite period, the amount of
net avails receiver per unit of finances invested in assets.
Yield of capital investments
characterizes the amount of proceeds received from sales per unit of the main
production funds.
3) Equity
turnover ratio shows how the scale of company’s activity is ensured by the
equity [1, p. 261].
Table 1. Coefficients of the business activity of the
“Interpipe” enterprise
Index |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Optimal value |
Correspondence with normative value |
Assets turnover ratio |
0,85 |
0,67 |
0,58 |
increase |
Negative tendency |
Yield of capital investments |
552,32 |
515,41 |
469,92 |
increase |
Negative tendency |
Equity turnover ratio |
1,76 |
1,89 |
2,95 |
increase |
Positive tendency |
In table 1
we can see the calculation of the business activity coefficients of “Interpipe” enterprise in years 2013–2015
Having analyzed the table 1 we can conclude that the assets
turnover ratio has a negative tendency. The yield
of capital investments has a negative tendency. The equity turnover ratio has a
positive tendency.
In the picture 1 the dynamics of the as sets turnover
ratio and the equity turnover ratio in years 2013-2015 is presented.
In the picture 1 we can see, that the assets
turnover ratio in years 2013–2015 has a tendency to decline. In 2014 it was
equal to 0,85, and in 2015 – to 0,58, which is 0,09 times less than in 2013. The
equity turnover ratio has a tendency to increase. In 2015 its index was equal to
2,95, which is 1,09 times more in comparison with the previous year.
Picture 1. The dynamics of the assets turnover ratio
and equity turnover ratio
in years 2013-2015
On picture 2 the dynamics of the yield of capital
investment in years 2013-2015 is presented.
On picture 2 we can see that in years 2013–2014 the
index had a tendency to decline, and in 2015 it was equal to 469,92, which is
45,49 times less than in 2014. The increase of the index is considered to be a
contributory factor.
Picture 2. The dynamics of the as sets turnover ratio and
equity turnover ratio
in years 2013-2015
In conclusion we may say that the calculated indexes of the business
activity of the enterprise have some short comings. They have tendency to
decline, while their increase is desirable. It can be caused by the economic
crisis in Ukraine. In addition to it, the activity of the enterprise, as well
as the activity of other organizations in Ukraine, is undergoing the impact of
political and economic uncertainty in our country, and will continue to
experience it in the nearest future.
The list of
1. Ïåòðîâè÷ ². Ì. Åêîíîì³êà òà ô³íàíñè
ï³äïðèºìñòâ : ï³äðó÷. / ². Ì. Ïåòðîâè÷, Ë. Ì. Ïðîêîïèøèí-Ðàøêåâè÷. – Ëüâ³â,
2014. – 408 ñ.
2. Çâ³òí³ñòü ï³äïðèºìñòâà «²íòåðïàéï»
[Åëåêòðîííèé ðåñóðñ]. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïó :